After much delay mostly do to distractions with other projects, the software is done with no known open issues and the prototype board is working great. The production PCBs are order and will arrive in about 5 weeks. I thought I could get quick turn PCBs made, but this wasn’t to be, hence the long lead time. Here is timeline for future announcements and release.
1) I hope to have time to put together a video podcast showing a demo of prototype, so everyone can finally see what this is about. I hope to be able to post this sometime next weekend. I’ll also announce target pricing at that time.
2) The rest of the parts for the first production run will be ordered.
3) After taking a day or two to assemble and check one of the production boards for myself, I have two Beta testers lined up and they will get a few weeks to check out the board.
4) A web page will be created with downloadable instruction manual.
5) Assuming all goes well, I hope to be shipping in about 8 weeks.