SCELBI front panels now available

I’m now taking orders for custom made reproduction SCELBI 8H front panels.

Price is $65 plus $10 shipping continental USA or $20 international. I am pricing these more as service to SCELBI PCB kit builders than for profit. When I eventually sell most of the 20 that I have made, there may be a small profit in it for me, but it will not be much. Based on my experience, unless you were already set up for making custom front panels, making a single one for yourself would cost at least two to three hundred dollars.

A couple of things to be aware of.

  • In my opinion, they look very good, but on close inspection you can tell that they are not perfect examples of what many people expect from modern machine made goods.
  • I will try to ship the best looking examples to first buyers, but even the ones with the most defects look very good.
  • The screen printed legends are rather fragile and can easily be damaged or rubbed off. I recommend you overcoat with some kind of clear satin spray. I have put 3 light coats of Minwax satin spray lacquer on my personal unit and it looks better than without the overcoat. I would do this myself for all units sold, but this sort of process takes a lot of time and care to get it right and it would make any tweaking or customization by the end user more difficult.
  • Send an email if you need more details on ordering.