Since I made dozens of tweaks and I selected a new vendor, I’ll have to build one up and test it before I can sell the rest. I hope to have them ready for sale by the end of the month.
This time I’m selling just bare PCBs, but there is a comprehensive bill of materials, including sources, already online. The majority of the components are readily available as standard items at Unicorn Electronics. Sourcing your own components will save you money and give me time to work on other things. The build manual that I have on my rev 0 web page is still relevant, and also contains a list of components. I point this out in case you want to start investigations into components, sooner, rather than later. If I recall correctly, the hardest parts to find are the Apple II ROMs, a crystal that works right, 2N4258 transistors and the 2513 character generator.
Unless something goes unexpected wrong, pricing will be $150 a board.
I sold my last rev 0 kits over three years ago. Back then, they sold very slowly and with only a tiny profit, so it will be interesting to see how long it takes to sell this fresh batch of PCBs.
Hold off contacting me about ordering, until I post on this blog that they are ready to ship.
Mike, What about the original sockets (not w/machined pins)… do you have a part number for them?
Not 100% sure, but Corey Cohen suggests that they might be made by RE (Robinson-Nugent). For my prototype build, in just using closed frame solder tail sockets from Unicorn, as I’m not looking for perfect matches, but general look and feel.