Apple II rev 0 kits sales have been extremely slow. I have quite a bit of money tied up in parts and boards for the rev 0 and I have some other projects in the pipe that I would like to spend some of that money on. In order to facilitate this, I’ll be liquidating my rev 0 stock of kits on ebay. I have 5 kits on hand and will be posting them for auction one at a time.
After this liquidation, I don’t expect that I will be offering A2 rev 0 kits for the foreseeable future. There is some possibility that I might get a batch of motherboard PCBs made at some point down the road, but only if I notice some demand building up. Unless something significant changes in terms of this market, I don’t think that I will offer kits, again – only bare motherboards and possibly built up computers.
I really wanted to keep this product alive and available for as long as I could find parts. However the demand just isn’t there and I’ve have some ideas for some other projects that could use the money that I have tied up in these kits.