Using available off the web images, I had already done some preliminary work on the PCB layout. However this was put on hold, sometime back, due to lack of really good images of the original. It was too hard to work with the relatively low res images, that I had. Last week, an Apple 1 owner provided me with hi-res pictures of the front and back of an original Apple 1 motherboard.
For some bizarre reason, I derive a lot of satisfaction from the process of reproducing an original board. Now that I have an quality original image of both front and back, I can hardly stop myself from working on it. I will be able to leverage experience and CAD libraries from the Rev 0 project, so I’m hoping that this project moves along a little quicker than the rev 0 project, did. To make up for this, I do expect a lot of challenges obtaining some of the rare components needed to build an operating Apple 1.
I do hope I can come up with an image of an original board, without components mounted on it, which would remove the guesswork of routing traces hidden by components. However I’m not considering this a show-stopper.
Mike Willegal