1861-1863 Regimental Banner of the 7th Wisconsin

6th wisconsin banner

Photograph taken recently at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.  I didn't take notes during my visit, and originally believed that this was one of the regimental banners used by the 6th Wisconsin.  However a visitor to the web site has helped determine that this the original 1861-1863 regimental color of the 7th Wisconsin.   It was present at the battles of Brawner Farm, 2nd Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorville.  I am not sure about Gettysburg.

See more information at: http://www.secondwi.com/wisconsincivilwarflags/flags_part_1.htm

Lighting is low, badly balanced and flash photography is not allowed, so picture taking is tough in this place. After I adjusted my polarizing filter to reduce reflections off the glass, my meter hardly registered. I had to guess at exposure and ended up under exposing most of the shots I took. Digital technology enabled me to fix up the these shots to an almost presentable state.

6th wisconsin banner

A cropped view of the same picture showing details of the eagle and shield. Much of the paint on this interesting banner has disappeared over the years.

I find it interesting that the eagle on this flag and the 8th Wisconsin National colors both have a longer neck than I would normally associate with an eagle.  They sort of look like chickens in this respect.