Quick Start Guide - Booting SCELBI Computer

To boot a SCELBI configured with 16K of memory and a MEA monitor, you must toggle in a jump to address 060-000 and then run the CPU from there. The following table describes the process.

Set toggle switches B6 and B2 in the up position and all the rest to down This is the first byte of a JMP instruction (octal 104)
Press the INT button to interrupt the CPU This tells the CPU that you are “jamming” an instruction (the JMP) into the CPU
Press the STEP button until both the INT and the leftmost STATUS LED are illuminated This may take one or more steps, depending upon the state of the CPU when you interrupt it
Set all the toggle switches in the down position This sets the low address byte of the JMP instruction to 000
Press the STEP button exactly once This moves the low part of the address, 000, into the CPU
Set toggle switches B4 and B5 in the up position, all the rest remain down The sets the high byte (6 bits) of the Jump instruction to 060
Press the STEP button twice You should see the PAGE 060 and MEMORY ADDRESS 000 show up on the LEDs
Press the RUN button With some luck, the MEA prompt will be displayed on the terminal.

Starting up MCMON in a 4K SCELBI is the same process, except that the address high byte is 017 instead of 060.