SCELBI 8B panel logo update

In a previous post I commented that the Helvitica Bold was an exact match for the SCELBI-8B panel logo.

Well I went to digitize a recreation of the logo for eventual silk screening on a front panel and I found that I was mistaken. The panel characters are wider than the Lettraset letters and I couldn’t find a better match in the Lettraset catalog. Helvetica Bold was the closest that I could find, but as you can see, it’s too narrow.

Helvetica bold overlaid on top of SCELBI-8B logo

Helvetica bold overlaid on top of SCELBI-8B logo

These characters were scanned from the Lettraset book, scaled and placed over the top of the original lettering in Photoshop.

However, I was able to resolve the issue by stretching the scanned Lettraset letters horizontally, one at a time, in Photoshop.

Stretched Helvetica

Stretched Helvetica

I think the result is about as nice a match as you could hope to have.