Astronomer use the phrase “First Light” when they use their telescopes for the first time. I decided that turning on my SCELBI Oscilliscope interface on for the first time is, in a sense the same kind of event, so I’m borrowing the astronomer’s phrase. I’ll bet some followers of my blog figured that I’d never get around to hooking this interface up, but they would be wrong.
Here is the test setup. I’m using my reprodution SCELBI 8H, and the “scope”, (not pictured here) is my Tektronics 465.
I wrote a simple test driver that should have repeatedly printed two lines containing “ABC”. This is what I saw when I ran it.
The bad news is that this is unintellegible. The good news is that I’m getting signals on both X and Y outputs. The Z output has no signal. Next step will be to figure out if this is a hardware, software or adjustment issue or combination of these.