While I enjoy my indoor hobbies, I also will rarely pass up the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Here are pictures from the top of a couple of mountains that I have climbed in the last year.
I climbed Mount Bierstadt in Colorado last August. This was my first fourteener, so called because it is over 14,000 feet high. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the climb, and yes, I did notice the effect of the thinner air at high altitude. This is one of easiest fourteerers in Colorado. I can only imagine that one of the more difficult ones would be pretty challenging, and most likely dangerous.
This is a picture of Mount Dickey from the top of Mount Welch, which I took last weekend. This is also a first. The first time I hiked a mountain covered with snow and ice. It wasn’t as hard as I expected, but I was expecting a major challenge. I was lucky my friends were able to loan me micro-spikes which turned an impossible situation into just a somewhat challenging situation.