This motherboard has Applesoft ROMs - I've really got to get my act together!
Applesoft BASIC ROMs and the autostart Monitor that come in readily available Apple II plus systems work just fine in a rev 0 board. One assumption with the rev 0 replica kit, is that in order to complete it, you will find an old Apple II plus for the keyboard, power suppy and case. With the Apple II plus you also will get a set of Applesoft ROMs that can be used to populate the ROM sockets on the replica motherboard.
However all Apple ll rev 0 systems originally came with Integer ROMs and non-autostart Monitor. Though many rev 0 systems were upgraded later on with Applesoft ROMs, you may want to operate your rev 0 system like the pioneers that purchased rev 0 Apple IIs. In this case, you'll want to get a set of Integer ROMs and the non-autostart Monitor.
There is a catch though. Integer ROMs have not been available from Apple in years and the parts are not exactly pin compatible with 2716 EPROMs which are still available and could be programmed with Integer BASIC images.
Apple Integer ROM's are identified by unique part numbers for each socket location:
There are several approaches to setting up your rev 0 replica with Integer BASIC functionality.
The first and easiest method, at least in my mind, is to win an Apple ROM firmware card on ebay with Integer ROMs in it. These boards show up periodically and the winning bid usually doesn't go over $100. These ROM cards come with either Integer or Applesoft ROMs, but it is easy to tell them apart. You will know that the ROM card has Integer BASIC ROMs because location D8 will rarely be populated in a standard Integer BASIC system. Location D0 may or may not be populated in Integer systems with the Programmers Aid ROM. Only problem with this approach is that it may take you a number of months to find and win one of these cards at a price you think is reasonable.
If you are going to buy a replica kit, check to see if I have any Interger ROM sets available. They are hard to come by, but occassionally I'll have a set that I will sell to replica kit purchasers at extra cost.
addition, this site sells original Applesoft ROMs for a reasonable
price. They don't have integer ROM sets, but if you want
Applesoft ROMs, they are available
Finally, I designed a functional replacement ROM firmware board that accepts a single 27128 or 27256. This board will boot DOS without ROMs on the motherboard because of some extra features that I added to it. The single EPROM solution is about 3 or 4 times cheaper to build than a board with a bank of 2716 sockets. This page on my website has details on that design. I'll provide artwork, if you want to build one of these boards, yourself. If enough intereset is generated, I might make a run of these cards. The estimated cost of a kit would be about $40. However, I doubt that that the interest would be enough to justify a run of cards, primarily due to availability of authentic Integer BASIC ROMs on Apple ROM cards for less than $100 on ebay.
NEW! - I now have a production version of the firmware board available. It is called the "Brain Board". See my "Brain Board" web page for details.
Bill Garber has designed a 27256 EPROM replacement daughterboard that fits right on the Apple Motherboard in place of ROMs.One other item should be mentioned in regards to the 2716 or 27128 solutions. EPROM programmers are very inexpensive these days. Find a Willems type programmer that works off of a PC's parallel port. I bought mine off of ebay for around $19.00 and it works just fine.
I did consider altering the rev0 layout to support 2716 EPROMs. However the motherboard would not then have an authentic layout and there doesn't seem to be enough interest in this expensive kit to justify a non-authentic variant.
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