Mike's Camera Tune-Up Basic's Page
I will not be held responsible for any damage that results
from you looking at or following these notes. If you don't feel comfortable
goofing around with this stuff or the possibility that you could damage
something on your camera, just don't do it.
- Experiences using
and repairing my old cameras.
- Mercury battery replacement FUD
- Notes and information that complement and conflict with information
all over the web.
- Tools, glues and
lubes: Here are some suggested tools, glues and lubes
you might need, including ideas for home made shutter and light meter
- Parts:
Suggestions on finding, or making common parts for your camera.
- Ebay buying tips: Some
tips on buying used Minolta SRT cameras.
- Links: For ease of site
maintenance, all external links referenced by my
photo pages are located here.
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