Mike's Minolta SRT Page
I will not be held responsible for any damage that results from
you looking at or following these notes. If you don't feel comfortable
goofing around with this stuff or the possibility that you could damage
something on your camera, just don't do it.
- How does a Minolta
SRT camera work: Understanding how your camera works, will probably
make it easier to repair or tune up.
- Disassembly:
Here are some things I've learned about taking SRTs apart.
- Reassembly: Here are
some things I've learned about putting them back together, which is
much harder than taking them apart.
- Tuning: How to tune up
your already functional Minolta SRT, including a piece on battery
- Repairs: How to fix some
specific problems.
- Focus Issues: How to evaluate
and fix several common focus issues (includes focus adjustment on
a MD 50mm f1.7 lens).
- Parts: A part or two you
can fabricate for your SRT camera.
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